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10 Most Dangerous Tourist Zones
We all love a bit of a thrill in our lives, don’t we? Especially if we’re on holiday, without having to worry about work or any other thing that keeps us from enjoying the world around us. And that’s why many of us travel. Whether it’s just down the block from our house or to the other side of the world, some of us just can’t get enough excitement in our lives and we desperately look for more action in different parts of the world. However, some places need to be avoided - or at least, we should visit them with some caution. It doesn’t matter how popular they are, some of these places are just a bit too much. Today I’ll be introducing you to “10 of the Most Dangerous Tourist Zones” in the world. After watching this video you’ll decide for yourself whether it’s worth going to these places or find your next exciting adventure somewhere else. I bet some of you haven’t heard about many spots on this list. Let’s see if you dare to visit each of these places one day...
Mont Blanc, France
Climbing is a popular activity among people who like extreme experiences. For that reason, every time they go to a new place they look for mountains to climb and explore, challenging any previous hikes they’ve done. But Mont Blanc (or Monte Biancco, like they call it in Italy) is like nothing you’ve seen before. Even though the place is full of tourists on a regular basis, it is considered one of the most dangerous zones on the planet. This is due to the fact that in the past there have been countless avalanches that have taken the lives of many people, to the point that we don’t even have a solid number of how many people have lost their life here. And the combination of ice, falls and medical complications along the way don’t make it any easier for people to complete a safe journey. It’s so bad that even the most experienced climbers have lost their lives against the forces of nature. No wonder people used to call it the “Cursed Mountain” and actually, there’s still a section of the Mont Blanc massif that keeps this name, which is quite appropriate considering all the awful things that have happened here.
Madidi National Park, Bolivia
For those who love nature, South America might be your ideal destination. With so many rivers and the largest rainforest in the world, this exotic area has a lot to offer. And when you look at Bolivia, you’ll find some interesting spots - and two of them are on this list, because they’re definitely amazing, but a bit too dangerous. The first one is the Madidi National Park, which is right at the mouth of the Amazon. The park is known for its beauty, but with so much diversity, the park is home to some of the most poisonous plants in the world. If you visit, watch out for any open wounds. I mean, in general you should cover them right away - but in this place, you really want to be careful. There are tons of parasites that can cause a lot of damage if you give them a chance. And also, if that wasn’t enough, there are also some poisonous spiders that will add more excitement to your day out in the wild.
Yungas Death Road, Bolivia
The second entry from Bolivia offers an amazing view and is a totally different landscape in comparison to the one at Madidi National Park. Yungas Death Road is an 80 kilometer long cycle route that connects La Paz, which is Bolivia’s capital city, to the region of Los Yungas. What made this road so popular was the risks it presented to its visitors and the amount of accidents and deaths that happened back in the day when the road was open to general traffic. There were an average of 209 accidents and 96 deaths per year, which is quite scary for a place that is considered a tourist sight. But actually, it was because of these incidents that the place gained fame. And I’m actually not surprised that this place is considered dangerous. I mean, the route starts from La Paz, which is actually the loftiest capital city in the world. The city is about 3,640 meters above sea level, which means that the air is very thin. Imagine starting a bike ride at that altitude! And on top of that, there were a lot of big trucks and heavy transport traveling through the road, which made it more challenging for people to stay safe. Today the road is only for bicycles, but sometimes rains and fog keep riders from having a clear and safe journey. I guess it’s a place you’ll want to visit if you’re a cyclist. It surely is challenging, but I bet the view is amazing from up there!