10 Nuclear Tests That Went Horribly Wrong
10 Nuclear Test That Went Horribly Wrong
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The world has recorded more than 2,000 nuclear explosions ever since the first one in 1945, and more than half of them were hundreds of times more catastrophic in terms of energy yield than those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But what's much terrifying about these incidents was that many were meant to occur under highly supervised conditions. However, due to one or two inches of miscalculations, they went terribly out of hand.
In today's video, we will show you ten nuclear tests that went horribly wrong while connecting you to what the apocalyptic picture of Armageddon will look like in real-life. Just make sure you stay tuned all the way until the number 1 spot.
Number 10: Starfish Prime
Standing as the most extensive nuclear test ever conducted in outer space by the United States military, the Starfish Prime is one out of five of its kind. The trial carried out above the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii on July 9, 1962, was part of a series of high-altitude testing compiled in a sub-nuclear operation known as Operation Fishbowl.
But while the testing was only done to intimidate the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War and find out for themselves what happens if nuclear bombs were detonated in space, the result was very catastrophic, as hell itself broke loose far out of the calculated damage radius. Because when the Thor missile exploded in the sky, an unplanned electromagnetic pulse came as a backslash that affected electricity flow on earth that stood hundreds of kilometers away.
The effect blew out several streetlights and telephones waves in Hawaii, including severe electrical surges that posed dangers on active airplanes. More than six satellites were destroyed, with an overall effect that shocked all nuclear scientists worldwide.
Number 9: The Demon Core
"Fat Man" was the codename for the nuclear bomb that was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki by the United States on 9 August 1945. It was the second of the only two nuclear weapons ever used in warfare, the first being Little Boy, and both claimed over 200,000 lives. But while that story will never be forgotten in history, did you know that another bomb was already in process for a third strike before the Japanese military surrendered?
Well, now, you do. And this half-baked bomb named "Rufus" whose core was later dubbed the "The Demon Core," killed eight scientists, including the bomb expert Louis Slotin while trying out a criticality experiment at the Los Alamos laboratory in Mexico where it was kept. The test was more like "tickling the dragon's tail" as they tried to analyze how far anyone can go with an atomic bomb before it goes "kaboom."
Although, they had everything under control until a momentary slip of the screwdriver used to hold the core in place caused a chain reaction that injected Louis and seven other observers in the room with an incredibly high amount of radiation that killed them all. (That must have given the Japanese a great joy!)
Number 8: Storax Sedan
As part of the Operation Plowshare program conducted in the 1960s, the Storax sedan was a project to investigate the viability of using nuclear weapons for mining and other civilian projects like engineering and power supply. And in July 1962, on the United States National Security Flat in Nevada, a nuke was detonated a few miles underground. But the storax sedan explosion, however, didn't remain underground.
As a result, more than 6 million cubic yards of earth bulged out in minutes, giving rise to a crater with a diameter equivalent to four football fields and the depth of a 32-story building. When calculated on an economic scale, the nuclear excavation saved more time and money than the fastest conventional mining that used chemical explosives.
But while the test's original goal was a success, the radioactive cloud that resulted from it was similar to a pyroclastic flow from volcanoes, which is even much deadlier.