10 Signs Of An Unhealthy Crush (Are You Obsessed?)
10 Signs Of An Unhealthy Crush (Are You Obsessed?), presented by Anna.
In today's video we're looking at the subject of unhealthy relationships and crushes. If you're worried you might be obsessed with someone or developing signs of obsession with a person, that's obviously something that needs to be discussed and looked at.
So do you have an obsessive crush? Have you been wondering "is my crush normal?" or looking up "types of unhealthy crushes"? Then this video will be helpful for you. We take a look at 10 different signs of an unhealthy obsessive crush that you should be wary of.
Some types of unhealthy crushes include: A crush on someone who is already in a relationship, a crush on a co-worker, a crush on a celebrity, a crush on an ex, and sometimes even a crush on someone in a long distance relationship.
Do you know of any other types of unhealthy crush? Comment them below and let us know, we try our best to respond to as many comments as possible. We'll pick out the most helpful tips on signs of an unhealthy crush and pin it to the top!
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