10 Things I'd like to see Added to New Generation Consoles - GTA Online - The Diamond Casino Heist
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Party and Bullshit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEaPDNgUPLE
Long story short, I've had a pretty shitty few days as far as editing stuff goes. For some reason, one of my videos is stuck with a copyright strike and it looks like I'm going to need to redo the entire thing which took about three hours of work. So that's fun. I also had to completely redo the edits for this video here after everything froze up on me yesterday. So that's why I'm just now getting this uploaded. But rest assured folks, more stuff is coming shortly. Hopefully by the end of today even. Might even throw another few heist runs in there. A little gold glitch 2.0 action for ya? Some back to back Diamond Casino Heists? We'll see. Keep an eye out for more stuff coming soon. We out here gang banging like it's 91, you feel me? Hope You Enjoy!!
TCHAMI - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onONTaIF-jE
Oh I get it Morty. He said we out here gang banging like it's 91 just like Lamar did in the trailer.
New Generation GTA 5 Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foUaOCzfIRU
Watch LIVE at - https://www.twitch.tv/flipperachi212
Discord Link - https://discord.gg/Y3tH8CR
I cant believe I'm already past 26K Subs!!! All of you are awesome! Please consider subscribing if you haven't already! Would love to make it to 50K next! Hope you Enjoy!!