Top 10 Worst Purchases (Biggest Wastes of Money) - GTA Online - The Diamond Casino Heist
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My money be extensive, Pasta be expensive -
You know, I can also make top 10 videos people. OTHER PEOPLE DON'T HAVE A MONOPOLY ON THESE TOPICS. I'M A 5 STAR MAN, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT. But yeah, this right here is my own take on the top ten wastes of money in GTA Online. When I went to make this, I came to the realization that there are a lot more then ten wastes of money when it comes to purchases in GTA. For that reason, I'll probably make a part two to this list at some point. But for now, these were the top ten most pertinent wastes of money that came to mind.
What the Fuck is Caution? -
I tried to factor in the total cost along with how useless each particular purchase was that I was thinking about. I mean, you could argue that spending millions to acquire every arena war outfit or $800,000 on a Gun Range in your bunker are bigger wastes of money then a Lazer or Yacht. But those two are just so aggressively expensive that I felt I should include them. For the record, buy both the next time they go on sale. It's a huge flex and definitely feels nice to own them. Plus, if you and your boys are using the Gold Glitch 2.0 and Back to Back Glitch (Bogdan 2.0) combo on the Diamond Casino Heist Finale, you can basically buy everything. But that's like ONLY once you own everything worth owning.
TOLD YOU IT WOULD BE THREE IN ONE DAY. I'm not entirely sure if this is good or bad as far as Youtube algorithms are concerned. Who's knows. Seems like I'm doing something right cause a couple people have been mentioning that I've been popping up in recommendations. If this is the first one you're seeing today, don't miss those other two. Or you know, just be aware of them. I'm pretty much back to feeling 100. After a week of being kinda sick and laying low, I'm feeling solid. Then my girl came for the week once I got better and uhhhh, yeah. Making new videos or clapping them cheeks all week? Pretty easy decision. But that's done with for now. I'm back at it with a vengeance. More stuff coming out tomorrow and this week. Hope You Enjoy!!
Wow, you know, I'm just kind of impressed at this point. I have no clue why we keep moving from video description to video description Morty. But it's kind of genius. Everytime I start to get some progress going with some sort of invention to get us out, we keep getting yanked to another description. I'm gonna have to figure something out from scratch in a few hours if we ever want to get out of here. Uhh I mean something something GTA online. Bogdan Problem. The Diamond Casino Heist. There we go, that should throw them off our efforts for a bit. Not that I think this guy even really could do anything about us being in here. This might not even be because of him. But I assume whoever is doing this is watching. AREN'T YOU?!?
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I cant believe I'm already almost at 19K Subs!!! All of you guys & gals are awesome! Please consider subscribing if you haven't already! Would love to make it to 25K next! Thanks!! Hope you Enjoy.