10 Tips for Transitioning to Natural Hair | Top Tips for an Easier Transition
As excited as you are to go natural and see your beautiful curls flourish, deciding to transition - and then the actual transitioning process - isn't always so easy. You know that going natural is what you want to do, and big chopping is out pf the question (at least for now), so how can you make your transition to natural hair as easy and stress free as possible? Well, you've come to the right place because in this video, I give you the top 10 tips to getting ahead of the transitioning game, so you can enjoy it for the beautiful, transformative process that it is - and feel a little more sane through it all! And as always, be sure to LIKE, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE! :)
Get eBook "Want Long Hair? Just A.S.K!" for $2.99: https://www.amazon.com/Want-Long-Hair-Just-S-K-ebook/dp/B01MXRJ952/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1498051035&sr=8-2&keywords=want+long+hair%3F+Just+A.S.K.
Link to Transitioning - Hand Drawn Animation Video:
LINK TO All About Deep Conditioning Video: https://youtu.be/vAOVpGwHhuc
Link to What Is a Hot Oil Treatment Video: https://youtu.be/1xjVzhIhTQI
Link to 2020 DIY Hot Oil Treatment Video: https://youtu.be/u97Jzzr_yfg
Link to 2020 HAIR TYPING CARTOON: https://youtu.be/498BHAYzYPE
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