10+ Ways to Learn a Language with a Full-Time Job
In today's video I'll be discussing my language learning routine and how you can learn a new language with a full-time job. Lots of people claim they "don't have time" to learn a language, but there are plenty of ways you can fit language learning into your daily routine. Watch as I walk you through a day in my life of studying Italian and working. Then stay tuned at the end where I talk about some extra tips to incorporate into your language learning routine! Pick and choose any of these ideas to add to your schedule to help you stay motivated to learn a new language. These tips can help you learn any language, whether it's French, Italian, English, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Japanese, you name it! Also check out some more of my resources to help you learn how to learn a language at home.
Online Italian Club: https://onlineitalianclub.com/thousands-of-pages-of-free-material-for-learning-italian/
Read foreign language books for free with a 2 month Kindle Unlimited Trial: https://amzn.to/2Yv9kSz
Favorite Italian YouTubers:
Gaia Visco Gilardi
Silvia Fascians
Cleo Toms
Oks Dane
Learn Italian With Lucrezia
Giada Fra
Adriana Spink
Click here for $10 italki credits! Talk with a tutor today: https://www.italki.com/i/6dbedf?hl=en-us
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