15 Shocking Things Guys Find Unattractive
15 Things Guys Find Unattractive, presented by Anna.
In today's video we're taking a look at 15 things men find unattractive. If you've been wondering things like "why don't guys like me" or "what do guys like in a girl" then this video will prove to be helpful.
I'm always a fan of recommending being yourself, but you can still make some slight adjustments when it comes to dating tips and finding a partner. When it comes to 'how to attract a guy' there are certainly some things that happen that could best be avoided. Perhaps you think something you're doing is bound to get a guy's attention. But what if, it's actually having the opposite effect!?
If you want to find a guy and jump on that path to the perfect relationship then hopefully you can learn some helpful relationship tips from this video. Then you're be on to our other relationship advice videos to keep the ball rolling.
Do you know of any other tips on what guys do and don't like in women? Comment them below. We try our best to respond to every comment and will pin the top ones.
Which one of these things guy find unattractive in a woman surprised you the most? Be sure to let us know, we love to read through the comments and see what everyone thinks.
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