Top 10 Things to do Before 2020 – Find Yourself in 10 Steps
Top 10 Things to do Before 2020 – Find Yourself in 10 Steps
Each of us has planned a 2019 better than the past year, but what if things didn't went so well? Maybe you had some issues at work or you got fired, or maybe your business didn't went so well as planned, your relationships weren't as strong as you thought they'd be or something else happened. Or maybe your 2019 was great and full of amazing things and new expereiences and you've learned so much that now you are ready for another year with new forces and new thoughts.
But either way, these top 10 things to do before 2020 will make you feel a lot better and will give you a new perspective of the year that's coming. If you think that you don't have time for such things now, take one by one and do at least one for the following days.
2020 Goals
1. Clear your phone of 10 contacts no longer serving you
I can bet that there are at least one or more contacts in your phone that you didn't even remember when or why you saved.
Of course, if you feel compelled to delete more, more power to you. This can be an emotional experience for some, not going to lie. Take it in strides feel the emotions and release them knowing you’re making room for people that you are harmonizing with.
2. Find 10 reasons to forgive yourself
Oh my. I can’t stand this one, which means it may serve me the most! Typically what gives us the most resistance is exactly what we need to support our growth.
3.Write down 10 things you’re grateful for in 2019
Gratitude is an attitude and by choosing to partake in this type of activity, the way you live and the things that you say naturally will shift towards a positive perspective. When being in a state of gratitude, you stop dwelling on what frustrates you and re-train your brain to focus on the good life.
4. List 10 things you’re leaving behind in 2019
It’s powerful to let go, although often easier said than done. Consciously choose to let go, write it down, and say “bu-bye.” It’s time to move forward starting with perspective.
5. Figure out 10 accomplishments you’re proud of
We often get caught up in “I must do X to get Y” thought process vs stopping and recognizing what we’ve already achieved in this lifetime. When I look back, I have so many accomplishments it’s amazing. Rarely do I look back to see the positive though. Let’s make our past something to be proud of.
6.Try a hobby you’ve always wanted to give a whirl
Doing new things creates new neural synapses within the brain and which can be a game-changer for your creative mind. Also, I want you to have fun here.
7.Dance to your favorite music for 10 minutes
Keep the joyous activities flowing! Dancing brings about your inner child. Babies and toddlers love to wave their hands in the air and wiggle their hips when a song they like comes on. Feel the music, preferably positive uplifting beats that get you into your groove.
8.Write 10 positive affirmations about who you are and who you are becoming, say them out loud
How would someone describe you? Are you caring, powerful, on top of it, what descriptive words create your role in the picture.
Put them into an affirmative statement. “I am caring.” “I am powerful.” “I am a success.” Write them down and say them out loud
9.Take 10 minutes to pray for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the world
Take a moment to pray. You can pray to your soul, God, the Universe, the Ocean. Simply know and ground in that it’s your highest and best interest.
10. Invest in a book, a course, instructor, or life coach that supports your vision for yourself and the world.
If you get stuck at some point, just move forward and get back to the point that blocked you at the end.
Hoping that you've enjoyed this video, I wish you a phenomenal 2020!
Oh and maybe subscribing to our channel will make you feel better... so that's the 11th thing to do!
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