3 Guys Do 200 Push ups a Day For 30 days, These Are The Results
3 Guys Do 200 Push ups a day for 30 days, These Are The Results
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#30Day #Pushup #Challenge
200 push ups a day for 30 days, is it something you should do, does it actually work? And for who, only for beginners? Will it do nothing, or will it get you a lot stronger and build you massive muscles?
Well my brother did this 4 years ago, yes results, he was a starter back then and didn’t really work out after that until last year where I challenged him to transform his body in 90 days, and he did, but now I want to challenge him to do this again and see what happens...
But, he is not the only one I am challenging. In this video you'll 3 guys with a ll a different level of experience do 200 pushups a day for 30 days. A beginner, an intermediate and a professional!
Instagram: @StanBrowney
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● The scale in the video:
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More videos:
200 push ups a day for 30 days CHALLENGE - Body Transformation Results
- https://youtu.be/j5OgoqIoDjc
Someone broke my world record, again | My Response (Most Push ups In 30 Seconds)
- https://youtu.be/rKYMmxWI7dw
The Impossible Push up (Can You Do JUST ONE Rep?)
- https://youtu.be/J5S7uJpHEhU
The Magic Push up (Can you do it?)
- https://youtu.be/Jjl8jwLA6Cc
Challenging Friend To Transform Body In 90 days, For $500
- https://youtu.be/4ZQ3WcyX3iY
Hanging For 100 Seconds Every Day For 30 Days (and win $100)
- https://youtu.be/THQMxlyOqjI
3 Guys Do 200 Push ups a Day For 30 days, These Are The Results
- https://youtu.be/y_9qeB-6M-I
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