5 Best Fried Food Recipes
These 5 fried food recipes are perfect a snack or a side dish. They are so crispy on the outside and full of flavor from the inside. 3 of these recipes are vegan and all of them are super easy to make. So if you like deep fried food you are going to love these dishes. Whether you prefer onion rings, fried mushrooms or even falafel, here you will find your new addiction.
Printable recipe: https://www.thecookingfoodie.com/recipe/5-Best-Fried-Food-Recipes
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Baked Zucchini Fries: http://bit.ly/BakedZucchiniFries
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Cheesy Mashed Potato Pancakes: http://bit.ly/MashedPotatoPancakes
Crispy Smashed Potatoes: http://bit.ly/SmashedPotatoesTCF
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