A Brief History of Tibet and China | तिब्बत और चीन का असल इतिहास
In the last few years, China has raised many problems on the border of India, recently we have not forgotten the incident of Galvan Valley. So today the whole history of Tibet, what was the situation of Tibet from time to time, which countries or kings ruled on Tibet and whether China and Tibet had one civilization or not? Then how did China annex Tibet? you will know all this and much more in this video, stay with us till the end of the video.
And today a peace loving country like Tibet has become the main adversary of China's militarization. The country, which was considered the world's cleanest white and white roof, has now become a garbage dump of Tibet radioactive waste. Due to this, gradually the water of all the rivers whose origin is Tibet is corrupted. These rivers are the aksas, the Indus, the Brahmaputra, the Irawadi and also the rivers that flow to many countries in Southern Asia, including densely populated countries such as India and Bangladesh. The most worrying thing is that not only China, but also many countries in the US and Europe have obtained an exemption by giving foreign currency to China to throw their radio waste into Tibet.