Abed Community Aspergers Symptoms (TOP 5 Autism Traits)
Here are the TOP 5 Abed Community Aspergers Symptoms that he displays in the show that will help you understand autism, MUST WATCH. WARSHIPS: http://go.thoughtleaders.io/1716520200302
MICAH YT CHANNEL:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI1H_3cwZ-mL3ALf5dhfakw
Abed is a interesting character displaying a lot of traits from the autism spectrum I have been able to compile his Asperger’s symptoms into a list that I can explain how they work.
There are many episodes of community where Abed shows massive weaknesses in social situations and other situations that are very much in line with an autism spectrum disorder.
Much like Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory these traits are played out over a multiple of scenarios in which the character finds himself struggling with a concept that everybody else deems as normal.
Abed is very much on the autism spectrum and displays lots and lots of autism characteristics.
So to simply answer the question “Does abed from community have Aspergers?” The answer would be yes. But in this video I describe and discus why.
It isn’t always as simple as saying someone is quirky or a bit in side themselves. You can really see the impact and effect of autism when looking at certain characteristics when he displayed in a character like Abed Community Actor’s character.
I hope you enjoy this video and leave a comment if you have anything else to add that you may have seen from this character that I haven’t mentioned in this video.
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