Abs Workout At Home Without Weights - Sculpt Your Stomach In Seconds (10 Minutes)
Abs Workout Without Weights at Home // Caroline Jordan // For more info about sculpting your stomach, visit: http://www.carolinejordanfitness.com/
This 10-minute abs workout routine leaves no core muscle behind. Your stomach will be shaking by the end, but it'll be worth it! All you need is a mat and 10 minutes! Doing this quick routine on a CONSISTENT basis will help you maintain active abs and all the health benefits that come with it.
What are the benefits of strong abs? Many of us equate core strength with a flat belly or six-pack abs. And while those may be motivating goals, there are so many more benefits that come from improving core strength than how your midsection looks, including improved posture, better balance, reduced back pain and easier breathing.
Because many of your body’s movements originate from your center, working toward improving its strength will enhance your posture, spinal alignment, stability and more. Researchers continue to study the various ways core strength improves health and wellbeing.
The best part is, it doesn't take a lot of time to maintain core fitness. In just 5 minutes, I'll teach you the best routine to do on a weekly basis to keep your ab fitness (and all of its amazing benefits). This workout moves on an interval timer, you'll have 30 seconds to complete each exercise before moving on to the next one. This 5-minute abs workout is great for all athletic abilities because you can take it fast or slow and move at a pace that is right for you
As always, please check with your doctor or physical therapist before starting this or any exercise routine. Honor your body, move mindfully and stop if you feel any pain.
Positive Feel Good Fitness,
-Caroline Jordan