ACTIVATE Your BRAIN POWER for MANIFESTATION Success! Law Of Attraction Sensory Activation Meditation
Activate Your Brain Power For Manifestation Success! Law Of Attraction Sensory Activation Guided Meditation ✅FREE Online Masterclass AND Meditation MP3 Download ➡️"How To Train Your Brain for EFFORTLESS Manifestation!"
✅ Get an MP3 of this Sense Activation Meditation Here ➡️
This sense activation meditation is a powerful way to develop deeper awareness with your senses so you increase your manifestation power and create your life in deliberate ways with visualization. If you use the "law of attraction" to manifest what you want, then you know how important the mind and imagination is to your success rate. In this video, I will guide you inward to access the memories of your senses (sensory memory) so you can enhance your recall of them and then use those mental senses to powerfully visualize new outcomes.
Because we are constantly using our imagination to create our reality, it's imperative to gain control of how we do that. And understanding how to develop our senses so we can use them in intentional and heightened ways during visualization (so they ACTUALLY WORK FOR US) is rarely taught!
With practice, each of the techniques in this guided sense activation meditation will activate brain changing effects to your mental sensory perceptions that enhance the way you create life with your mind!
✅To learn more about how and why this meditation is so effective, and access more sensory awareness techniques, watch this video ➡️
When you use this meditation music, you can tap into your creative power in a much more powerful way and manifest a life you love!
"Manifestation Meditation" by Your Youniverse #LawOfAttraction #Meditation #TheSecret
The Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!
Disclaimer – Please read:
If you meet any of the following conditions, whether knowingly or not, you should not use this product without first consulting with a physician: Epileptics, Pregnant women, Individuals prone to seizures, Individuals under the influence of medication or drugs.
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✅ My book: 50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➡
*Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel Music:
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