Andrew’s 2020 Top 10 Left Fielders Right Now!
Hey! Thanks for checking out another one of my Top 10 Right Now videos! As seen by the title, this one is on Left Fielders. Had some technical issues so I didn’t get this out as soon as I’d like, but it’s here now! For information about the criteria I use for my lists and the criteria used for The Shredder’s lists, check out the Center Fielders video, as that is similar. I will repost the criteria in coming videos. I unfortunately didn’t have time to do it here. But once again you can find photo credit on each slide with a photo. Also if wondering, I use Baseball-Reference WAR, which may vary from ESPN or FanGraphs.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy watching this video, and be sure to leave comments down below to express your opinions! Don’t be afraid to leave a thumbs up either