Ash Gym Leader Team [ Normal, Fighting, Flying ]
I have already done a similar video like this months before and as it seems you guys liked! Now here comes a part 2 with Ash's Team as a Gym Leader: Normal, Fighting and Flying types. What pokémon do you believe that are going to be in the six first place?
But before we start HELP US with you sub and like :3
If Ash was a gym leader, If Ash was in a Pokemon Gym, Ash Gym Leader, Ash if gym leader, ash as a gym leader, Ash normal type gym leader, Ash fighting type gym leader, Ash flying type gym leader, Satoshi Pokemon gym leader, Pocket Monster Satoshi Gym Leader
CREDITS [Small Video: Buzzwole punching Machoke]: Púrphasma
CREDITS [ART]: nganlamsong, Xous54, tkptvn, theangryaron, Pokemonpets, yonaka pinku (alounea), taylortrap62, hftran, Lucas-Costa, Sylvaur, Alexalan, Saku-Senpai, delgalessio, delamancha2, badghostrock, hftran1203, ThrillerTheatre, jellojolteon2000,