Best Pokemon of Each Type Sword and Shield Edition | Pokemon Insider
Best Pokemon of Each Type Sword and Shield Edition! In this Pokemon Sword and Shield video, I'm breaking down the best Pokemon of each type in Generation 8. Not every Pokemon is available in Pokemon Sword and Shield, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to highlight some of the strongest Pokemon of the new games. This video is not about my favorites, it's about the ones that I think will serve you the best in a battle or in a playthrough of Pokemon sword and shield. If you'd like to check for a specific type, click on the timestamps below, and they'll take you directly to the type you want to see. I'm sure that not everybody will agree with this list, and if you think a Pokemon deserves to be the best and wasn't on the list, be sure to let me know in the comment section. Thank you so much for watching, and don't forget to subscribe with notifications on, leave a like, and follow me on Twitter for updates on my channel, as well as my personal Pokemon journeys. I really appreciate all the support, and I'll see you with another video!
Normal - 0:59
Fighting - 1:30
Flying - 2:15
Poison - 2:52
Ground - 3:15
Rock - 3:56
Bug - 4:22
Ghost - 5:15
Steel - 5:44
Fire - 6:28
Water- 6:55
Grass - 7:37
Electric - 8:25
Psychic - 9:05
Ice - 9:35
Dragon - 10:06
Dark - 10:43
Fairy - 11:13
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