POKEMON SWORD & SHIELD MEMES (New Best Game Remake Edition)
Pokemon Sword and Shield is still going hard on the meme game. But we all know the inevitable remaster is just around the corner. Or it could be just DLC haha
Meme sources:
falinks pants - https://twitter.com/KnebulaNight/status/1206741755837763584
Waifumon & comic - https://twitter.com/RakkuBoi
rotom comic - http://www.awkwardzombie.com/awkward-zombie/rotom-of-the-barrel
eistray - https://twitter.com/joy_maderal/status/1205190738088255491
Monkey sleep - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78156523
Snom comic - https://twitter.com/DarkGreyClouds/status/1205683879501275138
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Lost Pause
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Outro art courtesy of Rikadoh:
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com