Caronavirus | Top 10 Facts In Hindi | Explained!
More than 25,000 people have been infected across the world because of this coronavirus. More than 50 million people are quarantined in China and Australia and Singapore have banned chinese travellers. Just how serious and dangerous is this new strain of coronavirus? In this video I explain everything you need to know about the Coronavirus, specially the 2019-nCoV strain. The mortality rate is approximately 2% and incubation period of the coronavirus is between 2 to 11 days. (length of time before symptoms appear and the time of infection). I explain the relation between mortality and contagious -ness in this video also and compare it to past coronaviruses like common cold, SARS and MERS. For protection, the world health organisation recommends washing your hand properly with soap, not touching your face. Face masks are not that effective and should be used by only those people who are suspected of being infected. To know more about that watch the video.
#coronavirus #coronavirusfacts #whatiscoronavirus #coronavirusinhindi
Background Music Credits :-
QUEEN OF THE SKIES by Nicolai Heidlas
"Royalty Free Music from HookSounds"
Song: Drake Stafford - Rolla
Music provided by Drake Stafford
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Note:) This Video is based on my internet research thus it may not be 100% accurate.