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Divinity Original Sin 2 - Modded Tactician Mode - I may have gone way, way overboard (TOO HARD!)

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Divinity: Original Sin 2. Tactician mode was hard... but I am a glutton for punishment.
This is my attempt (and likely failure) at a "balanced" tactician-insanity mode.

The default difficulty is tactician. The not-so-default changes are as follows:
*Player skills and stats are changed/weaker.
+35% armor
+20% magic armor
-30% health
-20% damage
+2 MAX AP - no change to recovery AP.
*Skills like summoner (my favorite) scales lower. Instead of the default 5.0 stats they receive based on your skills they now scale at 3.5 (down from 5.0)
*Base enemy values changed:
+50% armor
+20% magic armor
+75% health
+50% damage
+10% accuracy
+5% dodge
+Talents: Hothead & Pawn

*There are more monsters in every encounter.
*There are more boss encounters.
*There are more standard enemy encounters.
*Enemy AI is enhanced, beyond tactician - allegedly. They will be constantly trying to think 2 steps ahead and laying traps for you to fall into. Each time I think of a strategy, allegedly they will be making moves to counter it.
*Enemies scale with the player-party (even if they would normally be lower, they are now scaled up to or above our player level)
*Harder bosses. I enabled two separate mods to make bosses harder. One increases their AI (allegedly, I have not tested this mod) and BOTH mods take their armor, magic armor, and vitality and multiply those values by 5. Since both mods alter their stats, I have no idea what this will do. I might get bosses with x5 stats, as intended... I might get bosses with x25 stats, which is just crazy. We will see!!!
*All this is in addition to the base value of tactician enemies, which - according to original tactician mode - grant them the following:
Armor - +50% (+1.5%/lvl)
- Magic Armor - +35% (+1.5%/lvl)
- Vitality - +50%
- Damage - +50% (+2%/lvl)
- 10% accuracy boost
- Enemies have more AP and skills
- Different merchant prices (obviously not combat related)
- Smarter A.I.

It's not ALL bad!!
I had to do SOME stuff to counter-balance the scales a little.
Level 1 changes:
*Start with 2 talents intead of 1.
*Start with 4 combat abilities instead of 2.
*Start with 2 civil ability points instead of 1.
*Start with 3 attribute points instead of 2.

*Talents are gained every 4 levels instead of every 5.
*Civil points are granted every 2 levels instead of 3.
*Gain 3 attribute points instead of 2 every level.
*Base carry weight increased by 50 lbs.
*Each point in STR gives 20lbs additional carry weight instead of 10lbs.

*Base lore values of enemies has been adjusted (Not removed). At the start of every fight the enemies will not immediately all know your resistance values. Sufficiently intelligent enemies will still know your resistances and talents. Other enemies may have to probe you by attacking you first.

*Some talents have been slightly buffed. For example: Living armor granted you 35% of all healing to your magic armor. This has been increased from 35% to 40%.

*Some gear may offer more than 1 rune slot based on the rarity of the gear itself.

A full list of active mods:
Font of Undeath (allows you to convert living origin characters into undead characters without having to deal with seeing them as skeletons all the time - basically lich transformation)
Level re-balance ver3.5
Runy Tunes (Adds more rune-types in the game)
Tarquin Undead Bug Fix (a simple bug fix that keeps tarquin from freaking out if he learns you are undead)
Academy Lessons for all (each person can learn from the academy teachers on the nameless isle)
Faheelee's Mini Bosses (Adds mini boss encounters - about 8)
Interesting Uniques (Slightly modifies the value of some unique items and possibly adds some new ones)
Rune Slots ver3 (Adds the possibility for more rare/valuable gear to generate an extra rune-slot)
Monster Scaling DE (Scales enemies to your level or higher)
No Psychic enemies (Adjust enemy lore values to a more realistic setting)
Enhanced talents (slight buff to some underwhelming talents)
Essential pets (Makes sir lora and black cat immune to death allegedly)
Potions give empty bottles DE (exactly what it says)
Sim's more enemies (more enemies)
Sim's day/night cycle (duh)
Tougher bosses DE x5 (x5 all boss armor/magic armor/hp - no damage change)
Tougher bosses DE x2 (doubles all boss stats including damage)
Tweaked Bless/Curse (Bless and curse are now innate skills and do not cost source points but have increased AP cost)
Infinite Spirit vision (Once cast, spirit vision is persistent)
Venom Regen LITE (allows a poison spell to be cast like regeneration but cost 2 ap instead of 1 for the purpose of healing undead)


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