Eindhoven Walking Tour City Centre | Travel Guide | Noord Brabant Netherlands
In this travel video we walk through the beautiful City Centre of Eindhoven the Light and Design city of Northern Brabant (Noord-Brabant) in the Netherlands.
★ Things to do in Eindhoven ★
▼ Discover the best shopping in Eindhoven in the City Center De Bergen and Strijp-S.
▼ Step into the bustling nightlife of Eindhoven, Stratumseind, Market Square, De Bergen and the Station Quarter.
▼ Visit the renowned Van Abbemuseum for modern and contemporary art, located Bilderdijklaan 10.
▼ Learn about the history of Philips in Eindhoven at the Philips Museum, located Emmasingel 31. Or visit one of the other museums such as the Daf Museum located Tongelresestraat 27 and the PSV museum located Emmasingel 31
▼ Visit the preHistorisch Dorp in Eindhoven a replica of a prehistoric village located Boutenslaan 161 b.
▼ Listen to world-class music performances at Effenaar, Dommelstraat 2.
▼ Go check out one of the urban hotspots of Eindhoven such as Berenkuil Eindhoven, Area51 Skatepark, 040BMX Park, or Monk Bouldergym.
▼Visit one of the Design Hotspots such as Piet Hein Eek, Studio .Ruig in the Strijp-S district, Temporary Art Centre, Marënhage. Kazerne, Yksi and Onomatopee.
▼Drink a (Belgian) beer with the locals at café ‘t Rozenknopje or Proeflokaal de Gaper located at the Wilhelminaplein 5.
▼Go eat or go for lunch/dinner: Down Town Gourmet Market, this market brings 21 individual eateries, chef driven or fast casual concepts around a social hub and two central bars located Smalle Haven 2-24.
▼ Chill on one of the cozy terraces in Eindhoven such as Market Square, de Kleine Berg, Dommelstraat, or Wilhelminaplein.