Every Heist MONEY ranked WORST to BEST! (Payday 2)
Best way to get money in Payday 2? Here it is, I took every heist and got the maximum loot values for each one and then ranked them. What is your go to heist to get money in Payday 2? Which heist gives the most money?
Thank you so much for watching, this one took me about 15 hours to make!
● Ranked videos playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYRPbKIuWpDqbc7cMxMs7LkbSYvWT8EiO
● 2020 Payday 2 build update series playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYRPbKIuWpDqZzoVLWnnUbdjQPuGBNv_Z
If you want to skip to certain parts, this may be for you:
1:16 - info on how difficulty scales the payouts
1:56 - captain obvious
2:13 - pro tip for loose cash
2:27 - endless heist talk
2:51 - crew alive bonus
3:08 - finally, the list starts!
4:03 - number 69
7:28 - halfway point. You're almost there
11:41 - That's what she said.
11:48 - Top 10
12:40 - Top 5
13:40 - Number 1 (use this if you want to miss all 15 hours of work I did. Thanks for nothing.)
My links:
● Twitch - https://twitch.tv/b33croft [Follow me for frequent livestreams!]
● Twitter - https://twitter.com/ab33croft
● Steam group - http://bit.ly/2hodQfF (b33croft's safehouse)
● Support me - https://www.patreon.com/b33croft
● Discord: https://discord.gg/wMr5yv7
Usual questions:
What HUD do I use: https://youtu.be/l4pkqecLgnE
How to mod Payday 2: https://youtu.be/O_pGk5UGrCo
Menu dancing mod: https://modworkshop.net/mod/24616
#Payday2 #b33croft #Payday2Money