Geometry Dash Level Requests! [Requests = On]{Read Description}
Discord Server:
Profile Picture By: Nariaco
Channel Banner By: Me
Live Stream Thumbnail By: Nariaco
Texture Pack By: Bytes
Stream Rules:
• Don't be immature
• Don't be rude to anyone
• Don't Spam (Including level ids)
• Don't use capital letters excessively
• Don't ask for moderator
• Don't self promote
• Don't curse excessively (Meaning you can swear just not every sentence)
• No offensive jokes
[I may add more as time goes on]
If any of these rules are broken moderators should follow these steps:
1. Warning
2. 2nd Warning
3. Final Warning
4. Timeout
5. Hidden and Banned
Stream Information:
How I do requests:
If title says...
• (Requests = On) Feel free to send me your levels and I'll gladly play them.
• (Requests = Maybe) I don't really care if you send them just don't send a lot.
• (Requests = Off) I'm not taking level requests so no need to put ids or usernames cause I will not be doing them.
Thank you for reading the rules and info now enjoy the stream. :)
- Lykoz