Hillsong UK - Good Friday Online Service - 10th April 2020
Join us this Sunday 11am and 6.30pm [TBNUK]
Stay in the loop
Sign up to myhillsong to stay up to date with everything happening in church https://myhillsong.com
As a Church, we would love to stand in prayer with you. Share your prayer request with us by clicking the link. https://hillsong.co.uk/prayer
We believe in the biblical principle of putting God and his house first in our lives through tithes and offerings, no matter what the season. If all of us contribute, it not only glorifies God but also provides resource to create a healthy community. https://hillsong.co.uk/giving
I’m new and would love to connect
While we are not meeting on Sunday in our large gatherings, our groups are still actively maintaining social connection with each other - through virtual hangouts, phone calls and optional face-to-face meeting. These groups are a great places to receive prayer, social connection and have discussions that stir faith during tough times. Our wish is that you are connected and supported in this time, so click here to if you would like to connect with a group in your area: https://hillsong.co.uk/groups
I made a decision
If you just made that decision to follow Jesus, we would love to connect with you! We believe that this is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make and we’d like to help you with your next steps as you embark on this journey.