How to Boost Immune system against Corona Virus | Top Foods that help to boost our Immune System
How to Boost the Immune system against Corona Virus | Top Foods that help to boost our Immune System
Hello, friends, I am K-Naeem came back with the brand new video
Friends, as we know coronavirus is spreading all over the world and there is no such vaccine in the world yet to care this deadly virus
There is only one way that can help us to fight against this virus and that is we have to boost our immune system so friends today I will tell you 10 amazing foods that can boost your immune system
Friends let's start the discussion
#1 - Garlic
Friends garlic has amazing immune-boosting antiviral and antibacterial properties and these properties of garlic make it a super immunity booster food.
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Due to its antioxidant properties, garlic is great in diseases like cancer and heart. Friends as garlic have antiviral properties so it is great to use garlic to cure cold and COVID-19
Garlic is rich in sulfur-containing compounds like Allicin(ایلیسن) that makes garlic a great immune-booster.
#2 - Ginger
Friend's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Ginger make it a superfood to boost immunity power. Friends you can make ginger tea and can drink it daily that will help to boost the immune system
#3 Raisins
Friends raisins are a great source of vitamin C and iron and a great immune booster.
Friends Raisins has the power to detoxify the lungs and very helpful to relieve the dry cough
#4 Broccoli
Friends Broccoli is also a good source of vitamin Broccoli has the antioxidants such as sulforaphane. The availability of these substances make the broccoli a great vegetable to boost the immune system
# 5 Spinach
Friends the availability of some antioxidants and important nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, flavonoid and carotene make the spinach another great immunity booster vegetable.
Friends both vitamins, C and E are very helpful to boost the immune system.
some studies have shown that Flavonoid is very helpful to prevent the common cold
# 6 Green Tea
Friends green tea is also very good to boost the immune system when we use Green tea with blueberries the availability of flavonoid helps to reduce the risk of cold
#7 Almonds
Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, Magnesium and fiber and very helpful to boost immunity.
#8 Oranges
Friends oranges are a great source of vitamin C and it is scientifically proven that these vitamins help to reduce the symptoms of the common cold and also improve the function of our body's immune system
#9 Turmeric
Turmeric is a widely used spice in daily cooking. Friends antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make the turmeric superfood and make the turmeric supernatural immunity booster food
# 10 Blueberries
Friends blueberries are full of flavonoids called anthocyanin. Friends anthocyanin has antioxidant properties and can help to boost immune power
some studies have shown that persons who used flavonoid-rich foods regularly is less likely to get upper respiratory tract infection than those who did not
Friends, it is recommended that add all these foods in your life can help you to Boost Your immunity and can help you to fight against all kinds of diseases specially protect you from Coronavirus.
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