How to Make Your Ex Miss You Like Crazy
Description -- How to Make Your Ex Miss You Like Crazy
So you want to make your ex miss you, huh? Well, you’ve clicked on the right video… because I’m going to cover the most scientifically validated method of getting him or her to miss you like crazy…
How’s it going, everyone? I’m Brad Browning… relationship and marriage coach. And today, I’m going to tell you EXACTLY how to make your ex miss you… and, over time, want you back.
Now, I’m going to start off by saying that some of the tactics that I use here are going to sound a little controversial and manipulative, but they work like a CHARM. So keep watching if you want to learn these powerful and strange techniques.
Okay, so the FIRST concept that you need to understand when trying to make your ex miss you… is “space”. In order for your ex to have those yearning feelings for you, you need to allow them SPACE to miss you.
Lemme explain by using a weird analogy. Think about your smartphone, for example… nowadays, everyone is addicted to their mobile device. But you don’t usually MISS your phone because it’s always around you… and you take it literally everywhere you go.
But say you accidentally left your phone at home for a few hours.... how would that make you feel? Probably pretty naked, right? You’d probably be wondering who’s been messaging you or what you’ve missed on social media. In other words, you’d probably miss your phone like CRAZY and you’d be itching to check it once you got back home.
And on top of that, your phone is VALUABLE – you simply can’t go out and buy a brand-new phone whenever you wanted otherwise you’d go broke… so your phone has a TON of real value associated to it.
But now you’re probably asking how YOU can create this sort of desire inside your ex. I mean... how CAN you make them view you as that lost smartphone that they want back so dearly?
Well, there are several components to making this happen. Obviously, giving your ex “space” is a crucial part of it. But what else can you ACTIVELY do to make your ex miss you?
Well, here’s a list of how you can do this…
1.) Use my “Operative No Contact” tactic. You’ve heard me talk about No Contact before… but I’ve since evolved this concept. See, the most successful clients that I have don’t just simply engage in No Contact… they also do periphery tactics outside of No Contact that increases their chances of getting back together with their ex.
For example, they don’t spend their time wallowing in sorrow about how they miss their ex – no... they date around, and they focus on passions that they’ve lost during the relationship, and they generally try and better their lives as much as possible.
Basically, they try and become the best version of themselves during this period of Operative No Contact. Remember, your ex isn’t going to want to get back together with someone who doesn’t have any VALUE. Think about your phone, for example… would you buy a phone that didn’t have internet connectivity or the ability to retrieve data? Or that didn’t have 4G speeds? You get the picture here.
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Mend the Marriage:
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