Luffy from One Piece Is More Powerful Than Base Goku
Luffy Vs. Goku!
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No discussions about the best anime of all time would be complete without the likes of two of the most legendary series of all time, Dragon Ball and One Piece. Both of these anime have been entertaining fans for over twenty years and neither seem to be slowing down any time soon. So what is it about these two shows that makes them so memorable? Their protagonists of course!
For Dragon Ball we have a young boy named Goku who starts off as a nieve martial artist who must hunt for the legendary Dragon Balls. Over the course of his life, and several spin offs, we watch as Goku goes from that young kid to a warrior who has the power of a god. Though he’s still pretty naive.
For One Piece we have Monkey D. Luffy, the young boy who dreams of finding the treasure of the One Piece and becoming king of the pirates! Over the course of his life (and 0 spin offs) he is...well he’s still looking for that treasure so he can become king of the pirates!
Whenever you have two protagonists who are as cool and as powerful as Luffy and Goku, a question must be asked. Which one is more powerful? There’s only one way to figure that out and it’s by putting them in a hypothetical match to see which one would win!
So who would win between Luffy and Goku one on one? Find out in Luffy Vs. Goku, Battle Royale!
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