This is The Most POWERFUL Goku EVER! Divine GOD Goku Strongest Form! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Mods
TITLE: This is The Most POWERFUL Goku EVER! Divine GOD Goku Strongest Form! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Mods
This is The STRONGEST Goku Omni-King ABSORBED In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Mods, he can take on Ultra Instinct Goku and Jiren At Full Power and Still Win. He has a transformation where he goes divine and achieves a power similar to Merged Zamasu's but way stronger due to the Omni-Kings power. This is a mod showcase as we wait for Dragon Ball FighterZ Season 3 Kefla, Ultra Instinct Goku, Season 3 Characters and Dragon Ball Z Kakarot DLC and hopefully Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3.
Goku MUI and Jiren Mods by Zayniel which can be found on IME DZ's discord server.
Goku Black Omni King by DK420187:
#DragonBall #DragonBallXenoverse2 #Goku
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