Mother 3 (GBA) Playthrough [1 of 2] - NintendoComplete
A playthough of Nintendo's 2006 role-playing game for the Game Boy Advance, Mother 3.
This video shows from the beginning of the game through the end of Chapter 6. The second half of the playthrough can be found here:
Mother 3, as most well-versed RPG fans are already aware, is the direct sequel to Nintendo's 1994 SNES game Earthbound, and it is the concluding chapter of the series. Earthbound remained the sole game of the trilogy to be made officially available in English until, in 2015, the first game (Mother for NES) was published in translated form on the Wii U eShop.
In case you need to play catch-up on the series, here are my playthroughs of the first two games:
Mother (NES):
Earthbound/Mother 2 (SNES):
Unfortunately, despite the huge fan interest shown, Nintendo hasn't made any moves to make Mother 3 available outside of Japan. However, the game can still be played without a hair's knowledge of Japanese! I recorded this using a translation patch created by the talented folk over at It's rare that a fan translation manages to match the quality of the localization work found in Nintendo's games, but I promise you - if you didn't already know otherwise, you'd never suspect that this wasn't an official translation. Tonally it's a dead ringer for Earthbound, and it does its job just as well. If Mother 3 were to ever get an official English release, Nintendo should contact these guys and work something out.
Mother 3 is, like the first two games, a warm-hearted yet unbelievably dark story about human nature. It's also a classically styled, menu-driven JRPG (think Dragon Quest) with a quirky sense of humor, a whole lot of heart, and a godly soundtrack. I mean, this is coming from a Game Boy Advance.
I really don't want to say anything specific about the specifics here for fear of spoilers for anyone who has yet to play it, but I can promise that Mother 3 is an incredibly high note for the series to end on. And just a friendly warning to those that felt their heart-strings being plucked at by the events of the first two games: Mother 3 does no such plucking. It simply grinds the organ meat into the floor with its heel.
In other words, it's amazing.
I'm putting this one up on the first day of the 2020s for two reasons: first, Happy New Year! A game that celebrates new beginnings for a new decade! And second, it's a huge thank you to everyone that has supported the NintendoComplete channel. It's hard to believe we're rolling up on 100k subs, and I wanted to express my gratitude to the community that I've seen grow up around the channel over the years. Thank you so much, everybody.
Damn, isn't Mother 3's symbolism is great for how easily it can be applied to just about anything?
*Recorded using an LCD shader in Retroarch to mimic the look of the original hardware.*
No cheats were used during the recording of this video.
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