Star Fox Adventures Playthrough Part 10
In this video, we partake in the tests of the Lightfoot in order to gain access to the next Krazoa Shrine! Afterwards, we complete the Test of Fear for the third Krazoa Spirit and look for the Lightfoot babies that are hiding throughout the village!
The Test of Fear is considered by a good majority of people to be one of the hardest parts of the game. If you've played a Tony Hawk game, you'll probably have little to no trouble, but the difficulty comes from having to focus SOLELY on the meter at the top of the screen. The visuals and loud noises are only there to throw you off. It took me three tries to complete it on this blind run of the game, but I've heard horror stories of people wasting hours on this part. Outside of just focusing on the top of the screen, it might be easier to just mute the TV so the loud noises don't surprise you. The way the meter's red bar fluctuates is always the same, so it's kind of a test of memorization and concentration.