Number of Suicides per State in INDIA | TOP 10 | 3D Comparison
States in India ranked by the Number of Suicides occurred during the year 2018 in India. This 3D representation which is in real scale, contains information about number of suicidal deaths and suicide rate (per 1 lakh population). Data collected from National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).
In the world, close to 800 000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. Suicide is a global phenomenon and occurs throughout the lifespan.
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Top 10 Comparison
State Suicides Rate
1. Maharashtra 17972 14.8
2. Tamil Nadu 13896 18.4
3. West Bengal 13255 13.7
4. Madhya Pradesh 11775 14.5
5. Karnataka 11561 17.7
6. Telangana 7845 21.2
7. Gujarat 7793 11.6
8. Chhattisgarh 7046 24.7
9. Kerala 6237 23.5
10. Andhra Pradesh 5319 10.2
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