Top 10 pandemic comparison- probability and large number of deaths
Top 10 pandemic comparison- probability and large number of deaths
We take a look at the deadliest pandemics in history.What is the most dangerous organism? Which is thefastest spreading disease on earth? In this animated
3D size and probability comparison, we shall
compare the total number of deaths, and the odds ofa person dying from the virus out of everyone aliveduring that time.
Credit for this video- Reigarw comparison
This video is updated as of 12 April 2020. The
current numbers may change.
Disclaimer: This video is for entertainment purposeonly, is not acedemically verified and should beused with caution. The numbers can be found inthe sources below, while the probability are merelyestimates, and they refer to the probability of anyperson dying out of the whole human populationat that point of time. When there are instances ofthe event lasting several years, the population is calculated based on growth and death rates across that period of time.
Generic Information from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO). Number Estimates from Visual Capitalist (Visualizing the History of Pandemics) and Wikipedia (Timeline of Epidemics). Calculationsfor world population estimates from HYDE(2010).
Images are from CDC and are in Public Domain.