Overwatch: Blizzard DELETES Double Barrier - Meta Discussion
Come watch FREEDO & Eddy Saturday 2pm PST for an OWL Pro Analysis Livestream! https://viraln.co/YourOverwatchOWL
Hope to see you there! @overwatchleague
00:00 HUGE Patch
01:31 Top Down Balancing
02:47 Orisa is becoming alike Sombra
05:30 Teamwork in OW is naturally OP
07:00 Orisa may now be situational, not meta
07:57 Roadhog Ranked Pubstomper
10:00 2x Shield should be counter-able now
11:17 Brigitte, still likely strong tbh
12:46 CC Stacking Problem
13:36 Brigitte's Flexibility Problem
14:36 Rally vs Sound Barrier
15:58 NEW Spam Meta
16:29 Pharah Buff vs Brig
18:12 INSANE Symmetra Buff
20:42 Zenyatta Buff & Power Creep
22:53 OWL Co-Stream Tomorrow!