Razer Viper Mini Review (Small, 60g, Optical Switches, Flex Cable, 3359)
Top optical sensor, optical switches, soft braid flexible cable, light weight small mouse all for a relatively low price ($39.99, could've easily charged more than that).
This is basically a smaller Razer Viper with the back left high, kind of like a narrow Cooler Master MM710 shape wise. The back hump was a bit wide on the MM710 so this might suit those people.
Pretty amazing mouse, definitely worth a look if you're in the market for something small.
The Finalmouse Ultralight 2 is still smaller and I found myself aiming better with it still, 10g different and shape, but this is a close second and a third of the price.
Mouse Sensor Testing Reference Video: https://youtu.be/shhIG1E5EAQ
Top Mice: https://www.rocketjumpninja.com/top-mice
Mouse Search: https://www.rocketjumpninja.com/mouse-search
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AMAZON UK Viper Mini Search: https://amzn.to/2wwHj0H
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