r/EntitledParents | SHE PUT HAIR IN FOOD!!
r/EntitledParents #200 Top Posts | VoiceyHere Funny Reddit Cringe Stories
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Story Time with VoiceyHere
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Main Music -
► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "The Process"
Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @ https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
Original upload HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/...
Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy8wuTpC95lefU5d1dt2Q
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ
► Music Credit: Joakim KarudTrack Name: "Vacation"Music By: Joakim Karud @ http://youtube.com/joakimkarudOfficial Joakim Karud SoundCloud Page HERE - https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarudOfficial "Joakim Karud" YouTube Channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/user/JoakimKarudLicense for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License. Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ
No Copyright Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics provided by https://www.youtubestock.com
YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PAPnBC
Disclaimer: All media, including but not limited to images and video, of persons in this video are for dramatization and creative use only and are not representative of the individuals, events, and happenings that are told in the stories.
These stories are transformative dramatized retellings based on original stories shared by anonymous individuals from various Reddit.com subreddits and the subreddit r/VoiceyHere, and do not relate to any known individual by VoiceyHere or any associate of VoiceyHere.
VoiceyHere Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/voiceyhere