Reprogram Your Mind For Better Health And Success - With Guest Marisa Peer
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On this episode you will learn:
* How Marisa coached Vogue Magazine to shift their tone and messaging.
* The effects that the media can have on our self-esteem.
* Why Marisa finds the conventional therapy model frustrating.
* The framework of Rapid Transformational Therapy.
* How your thoughts can influence your reality.
* Why our minds tend to be scared of hunger.
* The importance of being intentional and positive with your words.
* How your mindset affects your finances, and how to remove your wealth blocks.
* Why 70% of lottery winners lose their winnings.
* How self-criticism can lead to depression.
* Why your brain loves to repeat familiar patterns.
* How to change your habits by talking about them.
* What you need to know about ownership language.
* How to be specific and detailed in your manifestation.
* Why unhappiness comes from feeling unworthy.
* The importance of following your dreams and sharing your gifts with the world.
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