Rina Sabatello: Undergraduate Research Experience with SURF
Rina Sabatello is a graduate student in Purdue University's school of Materials Engineering. She was a 2019 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF) at Purdue. Her project looked at the generation and discharge of oily waste water on board U.S. Navy vessels and how to clean it, with faculty mentor Carlos Martinez, associate professor of materials engineering. The goal of her research is to understand how the presence of soap, from on board cleaning supplies, impacts the oily wastewater over time.
2020 SURF Applications are due February 1, 2020.
Learn more about the SURF: http://bit.ly/surf-about
2019 SURF Photo Gallery: http://bit.ly/surf2019-gallery
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Known as the “Cradle of Astronauts,” Purdue University's College of Engineering’s long list of pioneers includes Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart. Purdue Engineering is among the largest in the United States and includes 13 academic programs and ranked Top 10 nationwide by U.S. News and World Report.
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