S. Korean researchers discover neutralizing antibodies for COVID-19 providing clues for vaccine...
S. Korean researchers discover neutralizing antibodies for COVID-19 providing clues for vaccine development
국내 연구진, 사스, 메르스 항체에서 '코로나19' 무력화하는 항체 발견.."치료제와 백신 개발 기대"
South Korean researchers have discovered antibodies that can neutralize COVID-19 and disable its activity in host cells... providing crucial clues for the development of a treatment or a vaccine against the novel coronavirus.
The Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology unveiled the discovery on Wednesday that some antibodies that neutralize SARS and MERS can bind to COVID19's spike protein used by the virus to invade host cells.
Neutralizing antibodies combat and disable the infectious nature of a virus in the immunization process.
The research team said they were able to identify the similarties between SARS and COVID-19 after a genome analysis and were able to predict that the neutralizing antibodies of SARS could bind to COVID-19.
#COVID19 #coronavirus #vaccine
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