S40E05 (10 of 12) Survivor: Winners at War - The Buddy System on Steroids, Camp
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S40 nick t
I think if I was able to pick my tribe, I couldn't have done a better job, because I was super tight with Yul and Wendell. They were probably my two most trustworthy allies on Dakal. And on top of that, we have a numbers advantage. So I won the lottery.
S40 parvati t
Sele is outgunned by the Dakal, and I am desperate to find an opportunity for Michele and I to actually work our way in. So I played with Yul before in Cook Islands, and Yul and I were never on the same side, but he told me that his wife loves me and that I'm her favorite player. So I think that's like a little bit of an in with Yul.
S40 parvati t
And Nick told me that he had a crush on me when he was in high school... so that was awkward. Speaking of awkward, Michele used to date Wendell and I don't think they ended on good terms, and then they're on the same tribe.
S40 parvati t
And so I'm, like, cringing for her. I can't even imagine having dated someone, having it ended badly and then being on the smallest, tiniest tribe with them. I'm like, nowhere to hide, nowhere to go.
S40 wendell t
So, there are peop-- there-there are people-- this is the season of, like, histories, and past relationships. That could be the theme of this season: Past Relationships. And then you have people that might have hung out together. Me and Michele kicked it, you know? She-- we kicked it before. So, yeah, everybody has pre-existing relationships out here. And, yeah, some of mine will spill over into this game.
S40 michele t
Wendell, when he got here, he kept his distance from Parv and I, and, honestly, I'm not very surprised that he's playing this game like that, because that's how it was in our relationship in the first place. Wendell, right now, is sending me the "You up?" text and I just wanna be like, "New season. Who dis?" It's really hard to have Wendell here and not have bad blood, because I wanna be like, "You've broken my trust in real life, and you hurt me because of it."
S40 michele t
Of course I don't wanna get burned by Wendell again in this game like I got burnt dating him. This is a game for 2 million dollars, and better believe that I can separate my relationship with Wendell from playing this game and I will take him out if that's necessary.
S40 ben t
So, we arrive at Yara, and it's not the prettiest of beaches that we've been to here in Fiji. On paper, we should be sitting pretty, right? With the three of us from Sele and then the two gals from, uh, Dakal. But I'm here with Rob and Adam, the two people that have blown up my game and lied to each other and then told everybody secrets about each other, and it's just like... (groans loudly) I can't get away.
S40 sarah t
I definitely did not want to swap. We had a phenomenal group at Dakal. Right now, I have the Steal a Vote advantage. So I can save Sophie and I through one Tribal. But it's not something that I want to use unless necessary, because then I've got nothing.
S40 sarah t
Sophie and I are asking the boys questions, and you can feel the tension. Either they're gonna stay blue strong, or are the boys three free agents for Sophie and I to scoop one of 'em up?
S40 sophie t
Immediately, our first conversation on the beach got me a little excited, 'cause I realized there are cracks up the wazoo. The only thing that scares me is that there are so many cracks that they're all gonna realize their best option has to be to stay together. Everybody assumed there's a Hidden Immunity Idol at this beach, and it's gonna be critical a-as to who finds it.
S40 rob t
I mean, traditionally, there's always a new Hidden Immunity Idol at each beach. So we decided to go look for idols here. I'm pretty much watching everybody else, 'cause I'm new to this. I found an idol on Redemption, but I had clues. I have a tough time with the idol. I'm looking, I'm doing, I'm trying to adapt and do what these new-school guys do, but I just have very little experience. I'm not usually in this spot, where I have more questions than answers. I usually have the answers. But this is a tough season. It's a tough game. Tough players. Good players. Smart, you know? I underestimated 'em at first. I won't make that mistake again.
S40 sophie t