The 10 Best Cities To Move To After College (Job GROWTH, Low Cost , & MORE!)
Today we are going to talk about the 10 best cities to live in after college, because where you live has HUGE impact on your overall quality of life. You might be expecting the best cities for millennials to be places like New York City or Los Angelas, but those don't even come close to making the cut! Let me know which of these best cities for young professionals surprised you the most!
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► The Best College Degrees for 2020:
► The Best Jobs For The Future:
When it comes to the 10 Best Cities To Move To After College you need to look at job opportunities, the cost of living, and of course how fun the city is. I researched dozens of cities for all of this information and narrowed them down to the best cities to live in your 20s. I've actually been to a handful of them myself, like Boston, Columbus Ohio, Minneapolis, Raleigh so I can confirm they are truly some top cities to move to 2021.You'll also notice that a lot of the best cities for young professionals are around big universities because companies like to be around places with high talent and colleges offer just that. I find it interesting that the best cities for gen z are moving away from what are traditional great cities to move to after college, like New York City, Los Angelas, and Chicago. Unfortunately, those cities are just too expensive and dont offer enough benefits to justify that cost. Now if you're still reading I appreciate you for being a real one, comment down below "I think I'm addicted to blue cheese" and I'll personally shoot you a thank you. I hope you enjoyed learning about the best cities to move to after college, I'll see you in my next video :)
The goal was to help you answer the question where should i move after college? Did I do it?
#BestCities #IncomeOverOutcome #GenZCities