The Main Reason Why Apple is SO EXPENSIVE! - Apple EcoSystem Explained | TechBar
The Main Reason Why Apple is SO EXPENSIVE! - Apple EcoSystem Explained | TechBar
Hey #TechBarArmy
In this video, I am going to show you the apple ecosystem. These are my top features of being in the Apple Ecosystem with Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch including Continuity, Universal Clipboard, & much more.I hope this video will help you & you will enjoy this video.
#iPhone #Apple #Ecosystem #TechBar #India #Hindi
Contents of this video
00:00 - Intro
00:37 - Phone Calls
01:10 - Continuity Mark Up
01:57 - Scan Documents
03:03 - Sidecar
03:40 - Instant Hotspot
04:05 - Airdrop
04:28 - Universal Clipboard
05:06 - Universal Control
05:42 - Handoff
06:06 - Auto unlock
06:49 - iMessages