Top 10 Health Benefits Of Eating Apple | What Happens When You Eat Apple Every Day | Advantages
No 1. Improve Gut Health.
digestive process. Regular consumption of fiber in apples ensures smooth bowel movements and the prevention of constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and other stomach disorders.
Fiber also stimulates the release of gastric and digestive juices to ensure efficient uptake of nutrients, while simultaneously scraping excess cholesterol out of your veins and arteries to ensure proper heart health and reduce the chances of atherosclerosis.
Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that acts like a prebiotic. It specifically helps to improve the functioning of the bacteria living in our large intestine. Apples stimulate metabolism within the digestive tract and promote good bacteria in the gut. This prebiotic effect leads to improved health by maximizing nutrient uptake and eliminating harmful bacteria and toxins.
No 2. Help Prevent Cancer.
Apples have shown moderate improvement in treating various types of cancer, particularly skin, breast, and colon cancer in studies demonstrated on animals. Through epidemiological observations noted in the journal Planta Medica, the regular consumption of one or more apples a day may reduce the risk for lung and colon cancer. Apples show a distinct and undeniable capacity to reduce lung cancer and slow its spread if it does develop. Hypotheses usually speak about the high phytonutrient content, including kaempferol and quercetin, but the exact mechanism for apples’ impact on cancer still requires more research.
No 3. Considered Good for the Heart.
Apples help lower the risk of various other heart ailments, as per a study published in the journal Nutrition. The antioxidant property of apples reduces the oxidation of fats, called lipid peroxidation. It also neutralizes various fats found in blood vessels that can exert dangerous pressure. The flavonoid, quercetin, reduces inflammation in our blood vessels, while the polyphenol, epicatechin, lowers the blood pressure in the body.
Studies have shown that regular apple intake is also associated with a reduced risk of thrombotic strokes in both men and women. he soluble fiber present in apples helps to lower the level of cholesterol in the body, making it a strong defensive mechanism against cardiovascular diseases. One year-long research study performed on 160 post-menopausal women showed that consuming apples daily resulted in a drastic decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol and a slight increase in HDL (good) cholesterol in just three months.
No 4. Linked to a Lower Risk of Diabetes.
Controlling blood sugar is essential for people suffering from diabetes. The polyphenols in apples have been directly linked to reducing the uptake of carbohydrates by the body. Some research focusing on apple vinegar showed that it can reduce the fluctuation of blood sugar levels that occur in the bloodstream, an important factor for keeping diabetes in check. The polyphenols also lower glucose absorption in our digestive tract and stimulate the release of insulin from our pancreas, which is necessary to keep the blood sugar levels in check.
No 5. Helpful in Improving Dental Health.
Eating apple helps in cleaning both teeth and gums. When you eat apples, the fiber in them cleanses the teeth, and the antibacterial properties thought to come from this fruit keep bacteria and viruses at bay. While they do not reduce dental cavities, they stimulate the secretion of saliva (an alkaline compound), which reduces the ability of bacteria to multiply and grow in your mouth, as per a study published in PLOS One.
No 6. Promote Brain Health.
A study conducted on rat brain cells by researchers at Cornell University in New York shows that the potent abundant antioxidants in apples protect the brain cells against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is associated with Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders, so reducing it is linked with lessening or hopefully preventing these disorders.
Apples also increase the amount of acetylcholine in the brain, which is linked to improving concentration, problem-solving, and memory.
No 7. Relieve Symptoms of Asthma.
Apples have shown tremendous anti-inflammatory behavior and in terms of asthma, they have stood out among other natural treatments. Quercetin, a flavonoid present in the apple skin helps reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.
No 8. Improve Bone Health.
Compounds like kaempferol, quercetin, and myricetin present in apple have been linked to reducing inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis and gout.Thus, people suffering from rheumatism find apples very useful as they aid in the healing process.
No 9. Weight Loss.
Both the high water content and fiber in apples increase satiety, thereby reducing appetite and overeating. Meaning, they are burned off quicker, or not absorbed by the body at all, which can be great news for millions of people struggling with obesity.