Things about Relationships I wish someone told me about | Matthew Hussey
If we assume that our partners are still the same people we met when we fell in love with them, then we rid ourselves of the opportunity to grow together. This can create a significant disconnection.
In this clip with Matthew Hussey, we speak on if “the one and only” is a real thing, and why sometimes we find ourselves believing that the solution is to have a new relationship. But sometimes what we need is a NEW outlook on the SAME relationship.
We have many relationships in our lives, and some people have different ones with different people, while others have DIFFERENT relationships with the SAME person.
Do you let your partner see the other sides of you?
Are you making a point to see theirs?
Sometimes we let the fear we could lose our partners if they change take over so much that we stay comfortable in our relationships by not asking the BRAVE questions!
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