☢️ 5 Warning Signs Your Relationship Is Toxic ☢️ (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)
►► What’s 1 Toxic Behavior You Won’t Tolerate?
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I post new dating advice for you every weekend.
A toxic relationship can make you feel crazy.
You might find yourself walking on eggshells…
Or avoiding situations that might start a fight…
Or at absolute worst… questioning your value (which is never acceptable).
So today I’m giving you 5 signs to know if the guy you’re dating is toxic...
Because look… sometimes when a relationship feels difficult, it’s because it is difficult.
And while no one is perfect, the guy you give your time to should be a team player.
Someone who consistently cheers you on.
Someone who is invested in your happiness and your success.
You deserve nothing less.
(Toxic relationships can be confusing. If only because your feelings are real and you likely see some great qualities in your guy. But a man who’s worth keeping is one you never have to tiptoe around…)
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