Top 10 Best Hand Traps of All Time in YuGiOh
A hand trap is a term for cards which can be activated in your hand during your opponents or your own turn, mainly during your opponents turn though, with the vast majority of hand traps actually being monster cards and not traps.
(I will ignore my internal ban list for this list)
--The List--
Intro: (0:00)
10-Effect Veiler: (0:21)
9- D.D. Crow: (2:15)
8- Droll & Lock Bird: (5:19)
7- Artifact Lancia: (8:40)
6- Infinite Impermanence: (10:18)
5- PSY-Framegear gamma: (12:12)
4- Red Reboot: (14:13)
3- Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring: (16:56)
2- Nibiru the Primal Being: (19:09)
1- Maxx "C": (21:46)
#yugioh #top10 #YGOtop10
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