Top 10 Country By Deaths during World War 2 ( 1939 - 1945 )
Top 10 Country By Deaths during World War 2 ( 1939 - 1945 )
This video includes the bar chart race dynamic graph of top 10 countries having the most death during world war 2 between 1939 and 1945 this data visualistaion will help you to find the most suffere country in terms of deaths with proper timeline and details about the various aspects of joining of various countries during this war .Soviet union germany india china usa casulaties in ww2 were the heaviest alongwith several other countries during ww2.
I hope you will find this video on top 10 country by number of deaths during ww2 useful
Thanks for watching!!!
#ww2 #defeneccapsule #totaldeathsww2