Top 10 EM Pinball Machines of All Time ~ (According to Pinside User Reviews as of 1/6/2021)
CaptNRetro is back with another list! This time we count down the best of the best, the cream of the EM crop! The Top 10 EM (Electro Mechanical) Pinball Machines of all time ( as of 1/6/2021) (and according to Pinside User Reviews)
10. Capersville
9. Dogies
8. River Boat
7. Heat Wave
6. Gusher
5. Hurdy Gurdy (Central Park)
4. Teacher's Pet
3. Blast Off (Apollo)
2. Trail Drive
1. Lady Luck
Is your favorite on this list?
Top 10 EM Pinball Machines of All Time ~ (according to Pinside user Reviews)