Top 10 Largest American Companies |Dr.Shoukat ali|
The financial market of modern society is strongly dominated by big companies. From the earliest accounts of trading and business found in circa 150,000 years ago, till the exploitation of Mediterranean trading by the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty, early ages were dominated by the kings and individual business traders. Eventually, the king turned to companies, and the trades turned to multinational businesses. The earth has seen many families like The Rockefellers and The Rothschild in the 19th and 20th centuries, who became the royal families of global market domination. People always want to know the day-to-day activities of the multinational brands of modern days as the share market also booms on a daily basis. Forbes is the multimedia house which takes care about the rankings of big brands as they compiled a list call Global2000. After the recent update of the list, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) tops the list with $3,124.9 Billion assets, $215.63 Billion market cap, $148.7 Billion revenue and $42.7 Billion profit. Even American companies strongly hold the market as they secure 5 places in top 10 of the Global 2000. And here is the list of Top 10 Largest American Companies.
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