Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Dating a Girl | Information Forge
When it comes to relationships, a lot of people out their would die for that perfect man or woman who makes their life complete. I mean; who doesn't like a beautiful girl with curves in the right places and a smile that melts the heart? Which girl wouldn't like a man who not only understands and cherishes her, but also give everything to keep that smile on her lovely face? We all want a great relationship without the dramas and stress that makes it look like a telenovela! (Insert meme)
But after finding that perfect imperfection for your life- I love the oxymoron there (insert light bulb emoji for effects)- you've got to keep the relationship going! It doesn't end with visits to the cinema or late night dates where you get drink in each other's company (that's great, I hope to try that very soon{meme}), you have to nurture your relationship. Trust me, if it were so easy to fall in love- and stay in love- we would have zero counts of failed relationships!
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